Pentair PLC is an Irish company based in Dublin with its main business center located in London. The company is essentially a product of M&A activity and manufactures water treatment products and water technic products such as valves and control systems. Moreover, for the industry, Pentair provides solutions for an efficient water and sewage transfer. The company also develops and produces water filtration systems for commercial as well as private customers. However, Pentair is well diversified. The company’s products are used in the energy sector for water treatment, in the agriculture to achieve efficient and low cost irrigations for farmers, in the industry to optimize the water-use efficiency with the help of high-tech pump systems and within municipalities through waste water treatment and seawater desalination systems. The big advantage of Pentair is its diversitiy which gives it a certain degree of protection in case of any weakness within in a single certain sector. Since spinning off its electrical business nVent in May 2018, Pentair has become a pure play water company focusing on smart and sustainable water solutions. In December 2020, Pentair took over the start-up Rocean, which develops intelligent home soda makers straightly connected to the domestic tap and thus reduce global plastic consumption.
England – Water Technics